Certification in Somatic Sex Education Second Year Training for Certified Sexological Bodywork Practitioners

Dates, Enrolment & Investment

Professional training in Somatic Sex Education & Sexological Intimacy Coaching

March 1st 2024- January 29th 2025

The Enrolment Process

Complete the Enrolment Form below

  • Eleven Months of Online Home Study in Somatic Sex Education & Sexological Intimacy Coaching

    March 1st 2024 - January 29th 2025

    20 Webinars (averaging two per month during the online Waves)

    4.15 pm - 8.30 pm

    The enrolment fee of €500 (Non-refundable, Non Transferable) secures your place - We have a maximum of 24 Places.

    Tuition Fees are payable after your Enrolment application & meeting - €2500 (inc VAT)

    This includes access to the original & IRHS Certificate in Somatic Sex Education & Sexological Intimacy Coaching Course Curriculum, Membership as part of the IRHS online learning Management platform and participation in assessed Research Explorations, Assignments, live webinars and Coached Supervision.

  • Two In-person Sexological Bodywork & Sexological Intimacy Coaching Embodiment Retreats in Portugal


    Esconhais - Castanheira De Pera - Portugal

    6-Day retreat - €450 (inc VAT) - March 12th - 17th 2024

    11-Day Retreat - €650 (inc VAT) - October 15th - 25th 2024

    Arrive the day before and depart the day after in both retreats.

    10.00 am - 7.00 pm each day with integration holiday time

    Accommodation - Self Catering in a 5-star private house at Esconhais venue for approximately 3- 400 Euros depending on twin shared or sole occupancy bedrooms

    Lunches, Snacks, Fruit & Refreshments are £15 per day - payable in cash at the venue

Bursaries & Scolarships

There are many aspects of being human that are under-represented in the field of somatic sex education and there are many people financially disadvantaged by socio-economic systemic power structures that impact personal and status power.

The Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers (ACSB) has a worldwide “BIPOC Scholarship Fund”. For these awards, the Institute for Relational Harmony Studies donates 30% of the figure received back to the ACSB BIPOC Scholarship Fund. You can apply for this after being accepted onto the CSB or CSSE training. We write to the board requesting this award.

Bursary & Scholarship students do not receive a subsidy for Joseph Kramer’s £99 access to erotic touch webite fee which is required to be settled in a separate payment before the start of the training.

The Institute for Relational Harmony Studies has a commitment to inclusivity to inspire more aspects of being human to participate and be represented.

Our commitment is to contribute to enhancing people inhabiting their personal and role power becoming practitioners in service to the evolution of humanity as part of the ecosystem.

We, therefore, offer a bursary of 30% of the full Training Investment fee, to Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) and/or trans students and will also consider bursary awards to people financially disadvantaged by systemic power structures.

These discounted places do impact the resources of the training and are at the teacher and administration team’s discretion. We honour our limits to support us in maintaining our optimum generosity.

Cancellation policy

Cancellations - If we were to cancel the training, for any reason before the planned start date without another start date within a three-month period, the enrolment fee and any course fees paid would be refundable. Any other costs incurred would not be refunded by the school.

If we were to cancel parts of the training, for any reason, you will receive the appropriate percentage refund of modules not completed unless you decide to re-enter the training at the next scheduled opportunity from the beginning again. In this circumstance, there would be no refunds given and no extra course fees would be required.

In all other circumstances the enrolment fee of £500 is non-refundable and non-transferable if you decide not to go ahead with the training.

If you begin the training and are unable to complete for any reason, there is no refund but we will, in some circumstances, consider deferral of your place to the following year.

If your deferral is agreed upon subject to the places available, it is required that you re-attend the percentage of the course you are participating in for the second time along with paying the percentage of the course fees from the beginning to the end of the module where you left the training.

The training is a community learning experience co-creating the course container agreements from the beginning. Therefore, it is not possible to come back the following year part of the way through the training, due to the intimate depths of community learning and participation.

Please complete your Enrolment & Self-assessment of Core Competencies forms below.


Certification in Somatic Sex Education - Year 2

Enrolment form


Certification in Somatic Sex Education - Year 2

Self-assessment of Core Competencies

Please read the full list of core competencies for SEA school practitioners [link]

Please reflect on your practice and session work over the last few months and find examples of times you have demonstrated the core competencies listed below. Please provide a brief description of each.

If you discover a learning edge in relation to any of the core competencies, please describe that, and suggest what you might need in order to develop further in that area.

Post your unanswered Question here

We welcome you to post any questions that haven't been answered here and we will send you an email with answers and/or invite you with a booking link to arrange a 15 - minute call with Katie Sarra - Director of Studies or Phoebe Garland - Head of the CSSE Training.