Historical Context of Erotic Massage
… a story of personal and political perspectives of Erotic Massage, Tantra, Sexological Bodywork, the birthing of Sexological Intimacy Coaching and our new paradigms of ethical practice
Erotic and Emotional Fluency and Fire Medicine
Sexological Bodywork has gained international public recognition and was featured in Gwyneth Paltrow's Netflix series, “Sex, Love and Goop” (2021), bringing worldwide attention to this profession.
Sexological Intimacy Coaching and Sexological Bodywork facilitate 'Erotic Active Receiving' in service to expanding erotic and emotional fluency and sexual arousal management.
The most significant aspect of Sexological intimacy coaching is in the intention for the practice with the understanding that our coaching model is built on facilitating small-timed Wheel of Consent guided experiences for enhancing learning, with integration and Clean Language and Body Poem Coaching built into a specific session structure with Right Use of Power ethics.
Sexological Intimacy Coaching, like Sexological Bodywork, facilitates 'Erotic Active Receiving' in service to expanding erotic and emotional fluency and sexual arousal management. Touch is one way; the practitioner always wears gloves and is always clothed to support clear role differentiation and de-couple working with arousal from romantic or erotic partnered play.
A modern-day Erotic Bodywork or massage usually involves a bodyworker taking action and making intuitively led or treatment model decisions, touching and sexually stimulating a recipient who has requested touch in pre-agreed ways. These experiences can offer liberating opportunities for longed-for surrender and a deepening of trust in letting go, where erotic intensity can be experienced in a container that gives full permission for this. For the erotically and emotionally fluent, this can be profoundly healing and rebalancing and allow expanding erotic response flexibility in up and down-regulated states.
There are many aspects to this agreement. Our training's primary understanding is the power differential in this relationship agreement. When a person holds space for another in an altered state, the practitioner has 200% responsibility for the duty of care. This involves facilitating the micro-skills of consensual relationship agreements and various somatic assessments of a person's ability to represent themselves emotionally, erotically, and intimately.
The Relational Harmony Institute Sexological Intimacy Coaching and Sexological Bodywork Practitioner training does not include facilitating immersive Erotic Massage sessions or commodifying the practitioner to meet hedonistic goal-orientated ‘happy ending intentions.
Timed segments of a session might consist of aspects of sensation play and an adaption of 'active receiving' erotic massage online or in person, attuning to the affective state of the client following our coaching model and session structure within an educational-therapeutic practitioner-client relationship agreement.
These experiences involve the practitioner being attuned to the waters of eros while simultaneously being on the grounding shore of the agreement and holding the duty of care. This practice requires erotic and emotional fluency and an understanding of self-interest when it arises in the practitioner role.
In altered states, there is scope for 'following intuition' without recognised conscious awareness. In altered states, slippage from the Serve quadrant is common for practitioners not trained in the Right use of Power and Wheel of Consent, which we have introduced to this field of practice.
Erotic massage has its lineages in many traditions and is a specialised practice with many training paths and schools. These stem from a combination of spiritual paths involving ritualised practices and ceremonies with Eastern and/or Western understandings about energy, anatomy and eros.
In the West, Kenneth Ray Stubbs and Joseph Kramer both simultaneously became teachers of erotic massage, introducing and sharing the benefits of these practices to widen audience awareness in America during the 1970s and 80s.
Kenneth Ray Stubbs invented the term Sexological Bodywork and suggested Joseph use it when applying for State of California recognition. They both designed sequenced massage techniques for practitioners to follow that are de-coupled with arousal from partner engagement.
Kenneth Ray Stubbs wrote many books with illustrations and diagrams combining shamanic and Eastern spiritual paths with these practices that offer somatic openings into altered states of consciousness into the multi-dimensions of existence. He referred to himself as The Sexual Shaman and was dedicated to exploring the multi-dimensional realms of consciousness obscured by our third-dimensional awareness. He designed the erotic touch practices of Chiliuquay Quodoushka Phoenix Fire Women and Phoenix Fire man initiatory training that sits in the centre void of the Wheels and Keys of the Twisted Hairs Metis Medicine Societies Sundance Path of the Deer Tribe.
Ray reframed how we understand gender and identified a deep granularity of these, liberating the selective negligence of dualism. Living close by Ray in Tuscon, Arizona, Nut Tmu-Ankh SaNut brought Egyptian lineages of sacred sexual practices into Western awareness. She contributed to his book 'The Sacred Prostitute', which was groundbreaking then and inspired many to understand the healing nature of eros and massage in integrating exiled wounds and selective negligence of adaptive and stunted receptivity.
Sacred intimates, sex workers, and people living indigenously with nature all over the world inherently understand the power of harnessing eros for healing, and this book articulated this knowledge into a recognisable understanding that brought acceptance and motivation to continue despite the tides of shame against professional erotic practices. While some may burn alive in the exiled aspects of humanity aroused into acknowledgement in the flames of eros, it is the fastest route towards life integration when harnessed with kindness and attunement. The Sacred Prostitutes referenced in this book healed men coming home from battle after harrowing experiences of violence, loss and grief. These ritualised practices supported the integration of these emotional and physical wounds and prepared them to return to their families with restored harmony.
We create opportunities for erotic fluency intimacy training where emotional hangovers are limited, with the focus being on education and therapy for enhancing this fluency.
How the Study of PTSD has influenced Sexuality Practices.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) experienced by war veterans is a known life-destroying consequence of war that has impacted so many. The Veterans from the wars that the USA were engaging in impacted society's health and harmony, with the wounds of war continuing to rage.
Psychologists, psychiatrists, neuroscientists and psychotherapists researched together to deepen knowledge for understanding trauma and ways of integrating exiled grief and pain. Bessel van der Kolk, in his book 'The Body Keeps the Score', articulated and brought home into hearts the heartbreak of the trauma responses to unintegrated unwitnessed suffering and pain. He normalised our common understanding, which has offered liberation for many living in hiding with pathologised identities, thinking they were not normal and would never lead harmonious lives or have the grounded ability to be of service and contribute to society or be in non-dramatic intimate relationships. From under the cloaks of the PANIC system shame response, many have 'come out' and come home into collective power belonging, and this has hugely influenced our field of sexuality concerning ethical practice. These studies have proven that the mind alone cannot heal what is tortured inside the body, and it is the body that is keeping the score with the mind managing this.
How the AIDS epidemic influenced Sexuality Practices.
Joseph Kramer's school of Sexological Bodywork grew from his sensate focus specialism working with gay men in San Fransico during the AIDS epidemic, where he and many suffered immense grief with the loss of loved ones. Joseph created The Body Electric School, which became the fecund ground from which Sexological Bodywork was birthed. Joseph Kramer learned from the Jesuits the power of collective community and training in disciplines. He founded two institutions: the Body Electric School of Massage and Rebirthing in Oakland, which was approved to train professionals by the State of California in 1984, and Sexological Bodywork in San Francisco, which was approved as a profession by the State of California in 2003. Joseph achieved legal status with Sexological Bodywork, categorised as an 'Educational' modality because of its educational intent. It involves a code of ethics, one-way touch, and the practitioner wearing gloves. Our current code of ethics began here: one-way gloved touch decoupled from partner engagement. Because Sexuality Practitioners did not have legal status in the United States, Joseph approached the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco, providing professional training for Sexological Bodyworkers. In 2003, after the California Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education investigation, Sexological Bodywork was approved as a legal profession in California.
These erotic community gatherings offered routes for somatic openings with a special focus on anal pleasure - 'from Sphincter to Great Spirit’. He designed community self-pleasuring rituals called the three circles ritual, traditionally practised together during the current Sexological Bodywork training intensives with many online.
For some communities, the three circles ritual was a daily practice like prayer, accessing altered states of consciousness with god. These community practices were collective power as an antidote to the collective shame around being accepted as gay, with the anus being the physical and multidimensional route into intimacy.
Joseph worked alongside Chester Maynard, who became a Sphincters and anal passage genius. Cherishing these precious somatic openings into becoming one with the universe, they creatively found a way of continuing these sacred practices, allowing the ‘little death’ of orgasm to be savoured in this lifetime rather than leading to literal death by bringing in gloved consensual touch for facilitating these somatic openings.
Chester Maynard famously said that if he had just ten minutes with a person, it would be the anus he would give his focus to. His audience was the San Francisco Gay scene, where anal knowledge was already installed and receptive. This might be an impossibility in many of our current Western and Eastern societies with the immense shame and meaning associations with this down-under hidden part of our bodies.
In 1992, in collaboration with Annie Sprinkle, he began offering Taoist Erotic Massage classes to both men and women. They filmed these ritualised erotic practices to make them available for people worldwide to experience the transformations of these practices, harnessing the media of pornography as a route to accessing erotic play. ‘Fire on the Mountain, in 1992, and Fire in the Valley, in 1995. Because his earlier films had not dealt directly with gender diversity, in 2017, he commissioned Barbara Carellas to create ’Transcendent Bodies’ - The Erotic Awakening Massage for Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Bodies. His School of Erotic Touch offers many hours of online streaming education for the public and Sexuality professions.
Joseph Kramer recognised the need for an erotic healing profession that offered a profoundly compassionate, pleasurable healing touch for the dying during the AIDS crisis. The Body Electric school began training men as sexual healers, erotic bodyworkers and hedonic midwives to the dying. Kramer named these men committed to erotic service “Sacred Intimates.”
Joseph began teaching Taoist Erotic Massage classes in 1986. Because of the presence of HIV in semen, he included the Taoist practice of semen retention massage.
In the Taoist Erotic Massage, the masseurs genitally stimulated the receivers for over an hour. Those receiving them were also guided in up- and down-regulated breathing patterns to enhance arousal regulation. These massage experiences and the paced breathing were choreographed to facilitate the receivers maintaining sensate rather than role-play or romantic focus. Habits of going off into erotic fantasy or shame were seen as distractions, with body-focusing guidance on bringing back attention to the body, offering immersion in sustained sexual arousal.
The Taoist Erotic massage often ended with a Big Draw, a practice that provides intense release without ejaculation. The receiver clenches their body muscles, holding their breath for thirty seconds. This is followed by a fifteen-minute integration practice in which, ritually, nothing happens. The receiver bathes in the altered states of the experience of having journeyed with waves of arousal. They are released into stillness and bliss, awakening emergent insights in somatic openings. However, for some, these down-regulated altered states led to emotional hangovers and the awakening of implicit memories that some practitioners were not rained in holding space for. One of the problems with group erotic practices is the collective influence to go along with what everyone else is doing and feel ostracised when feeling out at sea waving red flags and nobody recognising them.
On this point, the shaming of shame became a problem when these practices were taught militantly in these early waves of shame busting in the exhibitionistic route to shame-free. Betty Martin acutely noticed this tendancy in the field of sexuality and learned about the ‘Three Minute Game’ from Harry Fadis as a way of facilitating consensual relationships in titrated stages. From these collaborations, she developed the Wheel of Consent, which has revolutionised sexuality practices from the treatment model into a model that facilitates active receiving with relationship agreements focusing on the choosing and attuned decision making rather than the doing and being done to approaches. This offers the titration required for many people entering into erotic bodywork practices.
The ‘I Want’ game and ‘I Want’ Body Poems
Alongside Betty developing consensual relationship agreements with the Wheel of Consent, I was developing the ‘I want’ game in my practice as a sacred intimate as an antidote to the Tantra Massage treatment model where versions of what was expected were either disappointed or surprising for both the practitioner and the client without clarity at the beginning. Coming from a psychoanalytic background in Tantra, I could see the somatic opening potential for re-traumatising as well as for integrating exiled aspects of self. I witnessed one too many casualties in emotional hangovers with shame snowballing shame, and my ethics could not be complicit any longer and I left the Tantra School, where I had been trained and on the teacher team for twelve years.
During this time, I was working ten-hour days with a full practice of clients as a kind of psychodynamic shamanic sacred intimate and I was training for several years in Quodoushka, recapitulated shamanic de-armouring and aura perception, analysis and working closely with Kenneth Ray Stubbs. Our deep friendship spanned over 12 years online and in person, and I miss him in my third-dimension life now he passed into the other dimensions. Serendipity led me to meet Deej Juventin, who also worked closely with Ray and his co-teacher Uma Furman, who teach Australian Sexological Bodywork training.
At the time, I formed a collaboration with Kian de la Cour and in 2014, we sponsored Deej and Uma to come to the UK to teach the first Sexological Bodywork Training in the UK. They had introduced the Wheel of Consent to their CSB Training and during those days, it was a half day on the intensive devoted to the three-minute game. It was a joy and profound relief to meet Betty and discover the genius of the Wheel of Consent. This was enough for me to recognise the enormous significance of this, and I began weaving these practices into my work with clients alongside my ‘I want’ game. Body Poem simultaneously began emerging as I recognised the transformational power of radical acceptance to support the integration of exiled aspects of self. For four years, we joined the faculty with Deej and Uma, and in 2018, Joseph invited us to co lead the UK and Ireland Sexological Bodywork Training. Deej continues to be my supervisor ten years later!
During this time, we sponsored Betty to come to the UK, and I initiated the formation of ‘The Sea School of Embodiment’ Somatic Sexology Training and invited Kian as an administrator and co-director to facilitate trauma-informed practices for practitioners wanting to train in the field of sexuality. We are both steeped in the history of this field of work and centrally involved in the ‘Outsiders’ organisation advocating Sexual freedom. I was involved in writing the original code of ethics for ASIS at the time. My passion for ethics and Affective Relational Psychodynamic Neuroscience, Body Poem, Right Use of Power, and Wheel of Consent influenced sexuality practice has led to the development of the current Relational Harmony Institute, now co-directed by Dr Phoebe Garland, who brings with her thirty years of medical and mindfulness practice that has led to the development of a syllabus that is a dream coming true for me for our profession.
Tantra, Erotic Massage and Fire Medicine.
Tantra training and individual sessions may involve immersive role-play or sensuality-focused experiences where boundaries and roles between practitioner and client may vary. Practitioners engage with clients in ways that can sometimes be understood as sex work, sacred intimacy resembling surrogate work.
“Role play or Tantric rituals, like in any group setting where there are participation expectations, can sometimes disable participants from feeling they can direct their experience at the pace and depth they can digest. The impact of this is magnified when playing with sexual expression, which is the root of our deepest wounds. This is possibly why the Quodoushka shamanic sacred sexuality path calls this type of altered states work "Fire Medicine" - it has the potential for expansion of consciousness.
A modern-day Erotic Massage
A modern-day Erotic Bodywork or massage usually involves a bodyworker taking action and making intuitively led or treatment model decisions, touching and sexually stimulating a recipient who has requested to be done in pre-agreed ways or with 'trust in surrender' with a goal intention for entering into arousal with bodywork.
Some areas of agreement that an Erotic Massage Practitioner might consider concerning their experience, training, motivation intentions and awareness.
Time container- The length of overall time with the possibility of focused time segments within this might be agreed.
Financial agreement - The agreement for the time and what that will or might include.
Wheel of Consent - The wheel within the wheel if the client wishes to surrender. One-way erotic touch is defined as a different modality to two-way intimate touch, which is not an erotic massage but a sacred intimate session.
Agency in altered states - Clear agreements can be made to support agency while entering into altered states with symbols agreed for signalling too much (eg the word red) or too little (eg the word Green) or an exciting or edgy edge (eg the word orange).
Areas of the Body - It is essential to learn from the client what focused regions of the body to include or not to include and body positions they might be interested in exploring—preferences with types of touch in different areas.
Orgasm and/or ejaculation facilitation - Might be requested goal in specific ways
Exhibitionism, privacy and temperature preferences - being exposed or covered eg wearing socks or clothes
Practical and hygiene agreements such as heating, lighting, preferences, etc, are also necessary. The use of gloves, anti-viral and bacterial methods and protocol,
Substances for enhancing experience - Types of oils, lubricants, or essential oils.
Sensation play - might requested or invited, like the use of toys like anal or vaginal massagers. The client might like the idea of sensation enhancers like ice, feathers, cloth, fur, or taste enhancers like fruit or chocolate.
Strategies for stimulating pain activating endorphins - like spanking, pinching, scratching, using pegs, whips, stinging nettles, chillies, raw peeled ginger for anal insertion etc.
Power play - might be requested or invited using a blindfold and or restraints like the use of handcuffs or ropes.
These ‘being done to’ experiences can offer liberating opportunities for longed-for surrender and a deepening of trust in letting go of being in charge. Many people who carry responsibilities with micro-managing life and the lives of others, often in up-power roles, seek out erotic experiences like this where they can experience some private and exhilarating time 'off'. These can also be cocooned experiences separate and private from daily life where extremes of erotic intensity can be experienced in a container that gives full permission for this. For the erotically and emotionally fluent, this can be profoundly healing and rebalancing and allow eros to play in up and down-regulated states of orgasmiscity.
The ACSB code of conduct
Somatic Sex Educators work with the coaching model in client-led sessions adhering to the ACSB code of ethics and conduct, with roles and relationship agreements being clearly defined that primarily support embodied choice and agency. The practitioner always remains clothed and uses gloves for any intimate bodywork, and erotic touch is one way. Practitioners and students of our school do not cultivate or act upon their arousal and do not engage in relationships with other students during the training or with clients or volunteers. Please take a look at our Relational Harmony Ethical Guidelines and Terms and Conditions to view the ACSB Code of Ethics.
The practitioner holds the duty of care, recognising the responsibility of holding space for altered states. Relational embodiment sessions are based on the foundations of the Wheel of Consent™ that facilitate somatic openings and the integration of exiled aspects of the self in co-created relationship agreements where the client directs what happens in titrated stages.
Informed consent is an agreement to trust in unknown waters where frames of reference may be suspended. At the same time, the recipient explores uncharted territory, which can facilitate unintegrated aspects of self to emerge from the depths of unconscious realms. During arousal states, recipients may find themselves navigating deep waters, discovering their depths, and birthing somatic openings and epiphanies. When facilitated with a practitioner who has emotional and erotic fluency, the Practitioner is simultaneously on the beach and in the water and not out of their depth. These immersive experiences may sometimes result in emotional hangovers, as exiled aspects of the self are discovered and exposed without the recipient's capacity to integrate them. This is likely part of why there has been such a wave of reactions against Tantra, where the wheel of consent and integration support has not been effectively practised.
This response flexibility is essential for facilitating these experiences and is of special focus in Sexological Intimacy Coaching and Bodywork Practitioner training. Working in the field of Sexuality in up-power roles comes with 200% responsibility, and there are inevitable ruptures when holding space for people in altered states of consciousness, which I'm not sure I could navigate without The Right Use of Power, Wheel of Consent and Body Poem. I am part of the Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers - ACSB Grievance Council and Ethics Committee. I witness the extreme suffering of professionals being called out and the immense dedication required to park emotions and fears to acknowledge, understand, and repair where there has been an intention/Impact mismatch. We at the Relational Harmony Institute sincerely commit to supporting practitioners back into their sovereignty, and we welcome historically trained CSBs to join our third year to revisit all the CSB teachings in a spiral learning process that is now woven with our unique weave of Wheel of Consent, Right Use of Power and Body Poem. I've spent many years navigating exiled aspects of humanity in myself and in people around me, and if you are in any process of repairing and wanting to make good what might have gone wrong, community belonging and CPD training are just what is needed for us edge walkers in life!