The following Certificate in Sexological Bodywork Practitioner training is scheduled

April 2025 - January 2026 (with August Integration Month)

This training is in year two of the Relational Harmony Institute four-year training pathway.

The Course fee for the 2026-7 Certificate in Sexological Bodywork is £5,900 (inclusive of VAT 20%)

“The Sexological Bodywork Practitioner training of The Institute for Relational Harmony Studies is the most comprehensive sexuality training I have found.

The syllabus is rich and covers an incredible breadth of subjects - neuroscience, embodied boundaries & consent, emotional command systems, somatic coaching techniques, rupture & repair processes, session structure, hygiene protocol, and of course, all the anatomy & physiology Sexological Bodywork tools.

This training teaches the core competencies of how to meet another Human in their wholeness - with radical acceptance of all of their parts, including their erotic & sexual expression. It encourages you as a practitioner to trust your spontaneity, creativity, and intuition while equipping you with everything you need to build an ethical, trauma-informed practice. Katie’s passion, skill, embodied experience, and wisdom are the essence of this training which make It come alive with joy, love, care & laughter.”

- Luzi Pods (IRHS Approved CSI, CSB & CSSE)

  • What is the difference between Somatic Sexology and Tantra?

    Somatic Sex Educators work with the coaching model in client-led sessions adhering to the ACSB code of ethics and conduct, with roles and relationship agreements being clearly defined that primarily support embodied choice and agency. The practitioner always remains clothed and uses gloves for any intimate bodywork and erotic touch is one way. Practitioners and students of our school do not cultivate or act upon their arousal and do not engage in relationships with other students during the training or with clients or volunteers.

  • Titration

    The practitioner clearly holds the duty of care recognising the responsibility of holding space for altered states. Relational embodiment sessions are based on the foundations of the Wheel of Consent™ that facilitate somatic openings and the integration of exiled aspects of the self in co-created relationship agreements where the client directs what happens in titrated stages.

  • Sacred intimacy

    Tantra training and individual sessions may involve immersive role-play or sensuality-focused experiences where boundaries and roles between practitioner and client may vary. Practitioners engage with clients in ways that can sometimes be understood as sex work, sacred intimacy resembling surrogate work.

  • Ancient Eastern philosophy

    There are many schools and interpretations of this ancient Eastern philosophy. Tantra practitioners guide recipients into trusting bathing in unknown waters and entering experiences that potentially access altered states of consciousness.

  • Unchartered territory

    Informed consent is an agreement to trust in these unknown waters where frames of reference may be suspended while the recipient explores uncharted territory which can facilitate unintegrated aspects of self to emerge from the depths of unconscious realms. During arousal states, recipients may find themselves navigating deep waters and discovering depths of themselves and birthing somatic openings and epiphanies. When facilitated with a practitioner who has emotional and erotic fluency, the Practitioner is simultaneously on the beach and in the water and not out of their depth. This response flexibility is essential for facilitating these kinds of experiences and is of special focus in the Sexological Bodywork training.

  • Immersive experiences

    These immersive experiences may sometimes result in emotional hangovers of exiled aspects of the self having being discovered and exposed without the recipient necessarily having the capacity to integrate these. This is possibly part of the reason why there has been such a wave of reactions against Tantra where the wheel of consent and integration support has not been effectively been practised.

  • Self-gain motivations

    This reactionary wave has been magnified by emotional hangovers from Tantric practitioners following their erotic self-gain motivations with recipients in vulnerable or disinhibited altered states of consciousness.

  • Role play

    “Role play or Tantric rituals, like in any group setting where there are participation expectations, can sometimes disable participants from feeling they can direct their experience at the pace and depth they have the capacity to digest. The impact of this is magnified when playing with sexual expression which is the root of our deepest wounds. This is possibly why the Quodoushka shamanic sacred sexuality path calls this type of altered states work "Fire Medicine" - it has the potential for expansion of consciousness which can paradoxically burn as well as heal.” Katie Sarra

Parrots fly in pleasure, like humans in altered states, when they know their way home.

The Sexological Bodywork Curriculum offers explorations where the body becomes a portal for somatic openings. 

“from Sphincter to Great Spirit.” 

This is the fire medicine of Eros, where exiled aspects of humanity have the potential to integrate with radical acceptance. 

Radical Acceptance is central to this training coaching model, which facilitates loving kindness and generosity.

Over the last ten years, over 250 practitioners have trained with the Sea School of Embodiment and have discovered their genuine service in life, transforming their Core Erotic themes into supporting others in coming home to naturalness. Over the last two years, the Relational Harmony Institute has radically and comprehensively updated the curriculum in alignment with the latest Neuroscience research and feedback from Practitioners, Students, and Clients.

These practices facilitate expansions of consciousness, which can pattern interrupt limiting habits of addictive hedonistic compensation for pain and suffering that so many of us are at the effect of while living in adaption and endurance. 

The Wheel of Consent and bodywork practices open the direct routes to pleasure from the spaghetti junctions of indirect and time-wasting ones.

This is intimacy skills training for professionals to deepen and enhance emotional & erotic fluency. Explorations include updating intimate internal and external versions of ourselves.

This training is not for the faint-hearted but with dedication, like learning any new language, the rewards offer erotic and emotional fluency and a return to spontaneous naturalness.

Combining bodywork that touches multi- dimensional somatic memories with Body Poem enriches metaphorical life and opens possibilities for erotic and sensual creative self-expression that so many of us long for.  The training is an antidote to civilisation’s collective shaming of this.  

You will be guided step by step in a series of touch and embodiment explorations using the Wheel of Consent™ for co-creating clear relationship agreements that support us resourcing ourselves and being in service with others.

We welcome you on this journey through the gates

Katie Sarra and Dr Phoebe Garland - Course directors of Training each with over 30 years of experience in erotic facilitation

“When we are touched, or we touch another, we are touching memory channels from this lifetime and lifetimes that have gone before us - generations of unintegrated aspects of humanity emerge out of the soup of the collective conscious to be witnessed and accepted.”

“A sensual soma-nautical adventure into exploring the depths of the waters within, bringing the pearls of wisdom from the depths back to the shore of awareness.”

- Makia CSI, CSB training in the IRHS 2024 Cohort

“Coming from a work background that is totally unrelated to Sexological Bodywork the formal presentation of the course is accessible and enjoyable. The research explorations and practical presentations are providing me with the skills to become a competent Sexological Bodyworker and coach.”

- Deirdre IRHS CSI & CSB in the 2024 Cohort training

Graduates from this professional training can become members of

  • The Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers (ACSB), the Somatic Sex Educators’ Association of Australasia (SSEAA) and apply for membership and be admitted to the World Association of Sex Coaches (WASC) with no further requirements.

  • This course is recognised by The Association of Somatic and Integrative Sexologists as offering training of sufficient depth for practitioners to be eligible for insurance for their work.