for practising anywhere in the world

The following Certificate in Sexological Intimacy Coaching is scheduled

April 2025 - January 2026 (with August Integration Month)

Maximum Cohort of 20 with 1-1 monthly Supervision

“This training is without a doubt the most comprehensive, holistic, and ethically sound I could have hoped to come across. I looked at many different trainings and coaching programs in the fields of sexuality, tantra, and embodiment, and when I read through what was offered in this training, I was an immediate FULL BODY YES!

I’m so grateful I honoured that yes as this has been such a rich, profound, and transformational journey. I’m growing in ways that bring me immense joy, knowing that I’m receiving so much more of my authentic liberated self, which is coming back online from participating in this training.

Through this first-hand experience of updating so many new versions of myself, I am blooming with excitement to be able to share this with my clients. The course is delivered in a very considerate and digestible manner. This is the kind of healing work that will help change the world. Thank you, Katie & Phoebe”

  • TESTIMONIAL - A CSB Student practitioner part of the 2023-4 Cohort


Before beginning the enrolment process, please read the Codes of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Certified Sexological Bodyworkers; our Agreements and Etiquette and our Terms and Conditions.

All the information you provide is treated with the utmost confidentiality. Please have a look at our Privacy Policy for more information on how we handle your data.

Thank you, and we look forward to talking with you.

Your Application and Enrolment Process


    Meet with Katie Sarra, director of the training and a member of the teacher team in a discovery call to get a feel for the ethos and the visionary purpose of the curriculum to illuminate ways this training might serve your professional development. This is an opportunity to comrehensively learn about the course structures.

    After this, to allow time for integration and reflection, you arrange a second meeting meet with Katie Sarra and Dr Phoebe Garland to ensure this is the right training for yoy at the right time in relation to your readiness to join the training with time commitments required and the ethics of enroling on this training. Phoebe heads up the Third and Fourth year CSSE Certificate in Somatic Sex Education for practitioners training in becoming Professional Supervisors and influencers.

    This is a meeting for you to ask questions and for us to meet you (Please set aside 30 - 45 minutes for each call)

  • STAGE 2

    ~ After your interview and we have decided this is a harmonious fit, we will write to you with an offer of place as part of the upcoming cohort with the next steps towards enrolment.

    In the event of us not being in a position to offer you a place at this time, for example, if we have reached 20 capacity, we will offer you the opportunity of the first option next intake.

“I really appreciate how safe & self-expressive I felt in this container. I was able to shed layers I wasn’t even aware of thanks to the supporting & accepting space co-created together with the guidance of the team.”

  • TESTIMONIAL - CSI CSB STUDENT in the 2023 Cohort

Inhabiting new ways of being

  • Interpersonal neurobiology

    We teach the interpersonal neurobiology of trauma and how to support agency with ways of co and self-regulating intensity. Holding space for people braving exiled aspects of the self requires specialist training in this field especially to work effectively with people who are living with the effects of developmental Trauma. We also understand that we are always working with aspects of being human that can disable ability to participate.

  • Inhabiting new ways of being

    Relational embodiment practices facilitate people feeling more of themselves in practices within a container of radical acceptance. Clients can privately inhabit new ways of being with kindness risking islands of self-acceptance that with practice have the potential to build supporting people to reach the shores of belonging.

  • Radical Acceptance

    The relational embodiment curriculum of this training, includes the Wheel of Consent, Body Poem and Clean Language coaching models, supporting creating clear relationship agreements that honour, with radical acceptance, all aspects of self.

    We understand that nobody needs more practice enduring the stress of over-adaption.

  • Co -creating clear relationship agreements

    Practitioner Client relationship agreements are updated at regular intervals attuned with all parts of the self emerging from being hidden by shame.

    Co-created practices are agreed to in stages where clients learn to participate in inhabiting new ways of being with agency and choice.

  • Courage to be seen

    Under the bandage, wounds from our dark nights of the soul remain unseen and these exiled aspects of ourselves are sent back into the unseen bowels of humanity to endure continued separation until we are supported with courage to be seen with radical acceptance

  • Integration of encapsulated exiled aspects of self

    Trauma shows up most intensely in relation to intimacy and sexual expression.

    When we are touched or we touch another, sensory receptivity may awaken memories into conscious awareness.

    Opening the senses involves discovering our limits with the intensity of affect (affect relates to visceral responses in the body). Part of the training is to work closely in supervision to support the integration of encapsulated repressed aspects of self.

  • Repair

    Cycles of undigested exiled aspects of humanity are ultimately seeking to be seen from underneath the shame bandages that have been nursing them.

    Being seen requires acknowledgement and understanding so we can repair and allow our remorse to teach us to learn not to harm again. 

“My body is learning that it is safe to take care of myself. That I can say no and honour my limits & still belong.” - Adriana


  • Co-creating Community Relationship Agreements

    Being part of a community involves representing our needs and acknowledging the needs of others.

    This training is an exploration into the ethics of self-care and duty of care with another and our ability to co-create relationship agreements that can honour and care for aspects of ourselves as we learn our limits and with others as they are learning theirs.

  • Up dating our relationship agreements

    Embodiment involves enhancing the granularity of language and touch informed by our felt senses that support co-creating ethical professional boundary relationship agreements. This is how we care for the aspects of ourselves and others that need acknowledging. These are different for each of us and when tested show us our limits. This is often how we discover our limits in relation to our self-acceptance with unacknowledged needs. 

C E R T I F I C A T I O N & I N S U R A N C E

Upon completion of all requirements, students will be awarded the Certificate in Sexological Intimacy Coaching (CSIC)

Graduates from this professional training can become members of The Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers (ACSB), the Somatic Sex Educators’ Association of Australasia (SSEAA) and apply for membership and be admitted to the World Association of Sex Coaches (WASC) with no further requirements.

This course is recognised as offering training of sufficient depth for practitioners to be eligible for insurance for their work.