The Certificate in BODY POEM

Your Enrolment & The Course Container agreements

Trusting Spontaneity, working with radical acceptance ethically with the most tender and exuberant aspects of being human

Your Enrolment:

The Certificate in BODY POEM

Please see below the payment details for bank transfers and the Institute for Relational Harmony Studies Course Container agreements.

Please read through these carefully as paying your Enrolment fee is confirmation of your agreement to participate within our community ethical guidelines that support inclusivity and care for your optimised learning environment.

Enrolment & Payment Options

This comprehensive program, carefully structured over six months, dedicates the first three months to a balanced blend of theoretical training and practical research. The following three months are devoted to a Supervised Practicum, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience as you develop your fluency as a Body Poet working with clients. This is where the training pays off as you use Body Poem as part of your professional practice. You will be certified as a Body Poet upon completion, with knowledge, practical skills and emotional fluency. You can begin this training by joining the community of Body Poets anytime to fit in with your choreography.

Bursary places are awarded a 30% reduction. I value diversity and inclusivity, and encourage those who are disadvantaged financially or represent aspects of being human under-represented in leadership roles to contact me directly at

I advocate empowerment for professionals disadvantaged by system status power structures. Places can also be paid in affordable donations given to practitioners out of work, living on state benefits, and looking for a new career path. Together, we are contributing to the integration of exiled aspects of humanity, to find their ways of coming back into service, each playing our part in the eco-system of life.

Payment by Bank transfer the Registered UK Business account for the Institute for Relational Harmony Studies


IBAN: GB13SRLG60837160396446


Account Name: Catherine Sarra

United Kingdom

Account Number: 60396446

Sort Code: 608371

Account Name: Catherine Sarra

Special offer for CSI & CSB Trained or in-training practitioners - Option 1 & 2 combined

£1,300—This price offers a unique opportunity to enhance your skills in spiral learning and develop your Body Poet fluency, enhancing the skills you have begun to learn in the CSI and CSB training.

For those of you embarking on the following CSI and CSB training, this will give you foundations to prepare you for applying Body Poem when working with sexual and intimate self-expression.

30% Bursary discounted place £910

Option 1

The 3-Month Body Poem Training

£1,300 - The 3-month comprehensive training and Research in the theory and practice of BODY POEM.

This non-returnable fee secures your place on the 3-month BODY POEM comprehensive training program.

This includes 1-1 monthly supervision and a place in the monthly group supervision calls

30% Bursary discounted place £910

Option 2

The 3-Months of Supervised Practicum

£600—The three months of Supervised Practicum following completion of the three-month theory and research training towards Certification as a Body Poet offer you a unique opportunity to practice professionally as a Body Poet and enhance your professional practice.

This includes one-on-one supervision every five sessions, listening to your recorded sessions (20 to complete), and a place in the monthly group supervision calls.

30% Bursary discounted place £420

Options 1 & 2 combined

The six months combined three months of training plus three Months of Supervised practicum

£1,800 - Combined reduced fee secures your place in the 6-month BODY POEM training. This comprehensive program combines 3 Months of training and research with 3 Months of Supervised Practicum towards Certification as a Body Poet.

30% Bursary discounted place £1,260

Please reference ‘BODY POEM - first name ’ on your bank transfers.

With the name, I know you by if it differs from your banking name. Thank you, Katie Sarra

Katie Sarra is the founder of the Institute of Relational Harmony Studies where she choreographs and teaches professional certification in Body Poem, Sexological Intimacy, Somatic Sex Educator and Sexological Bodywork, training in the UK, Ireland and Portugal with an international team of leading-edge educators. She follows the Code of Ethics of the Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers (ACSB).

Katie has developed her practice over 35 years of professional clinical practice. She specialises in facilitating radical acceptance and integration of exiled aspects of ourselves.  She is an Art Psychotherapist, Founder of Body Poem, Artist, Certified Wheel of Consent facilitator, Certified Somatic Sex Educator, Certified Sexological Bodyworker, and Playback Theatre Practitioner.

Every human being has gifts to share and that these are often grown from where we have suffered the most. When we have felt witnessed, our self-acceptance, kindness and ease with ourselves can ripple out to support ease with others. 

The IRHS Course Container Agreements

We aim to create a learning environment that is as inclusive and supportive as possible for everybody's participation. We acknowledge the many different walks of life we have all come from, how our past experiences influence our relationships and participation in groups, and that we all have unique learning styles and needs.

Your participation in the community dynamics during the training influences your curiosity and confidence while learning and developing your competencies as a practitioner. The certification process is emergent, and always in process, and towards the end of this training, it is a pivotal milestone in your professional journey. It's built upon your core competencies, awareness of learning edges and blindspots, and a well-defined post-graduate plan encompassing CPD and community involvement. Your dedication to these areas is crucial to your confidence in fostering harmonious collaborations within our professional community. During this training, we invite you to give kind focus to both your 

  1. Competency and qualities as a practitioner

  2. Ethical participation as a member of a professional community, which involves resolving any outstanding rupture

    The following course container agreements have been developed to support the overall group learning process. We request that you honour and respect these agreements to the best of your ability throughout the training.

The IRHS Course Container Agreements

The following course container agreements have been developed to support the overall group learning process. We request that you honour and respect these agreements to the best of your ability throughout the training.

  1. We would like to ask that you agree not to identify individuals, their words, or their experiences, not to make any recordings or take photos of people without their permission, and not to discuss these outside of the specific IRHS training context.

  2. When sharing, we encourage you to share from your own experiences, eg. I feel, I notice, I’m experiencing, etc.). This helps us receive each other compassionately rather than generalising and focusing on our learning.

  3. We acknowledge that there are community members who are under-represented and/or marginalised both in our group and in society. We wish to create a community in which all voices can be heard, and all perspectives can be valued. This means that we would like to ask you to agree to actively cultivate an awareness of power dynamics and support all members in participating. This includes holding back from habitually taking space in group discussions, understanding how others are participating, and asking others what they might need to participate without making assumptions. 

  4.  Ethical practice is both a personal and a communal responsibility. We agree not to be bystanders and to speak up whenever we become aware of something that does not feel ethical in our community. We agree to support those who have courage to speak up, to be willing to engage in any learning or repair that might be required of us, and to support each other with kindness as we grow in response to any difficulties that arise. Whatever our role in a community dynamic, we agree to participate with the whole community through the collective process of restoring harmony.

  5. During this practitioner training, you will be inhabiting multiple roles with each other in classmate, client, practitioner and witness roles. You will be expected to work outside of attraction and not engage in erotic sexual relationships with each other.

  6. As practitioners in training in multiple roles with each other, you will be expected to work outside of aversion within your range of optimum generosity while practising setting limits.

  7. Use of drugs or alcohol before or during any online or in-person session is not permitted.

  8. Impact and intention mismatch—At times, our words and actions may impact others in ways we may not intend. When another feels impacted by our words or actions, we request that you agree, when resourced, to engage in the repair processes taught in this training with compassion and humility. You will be supported in 1-1 supervision calls if this arises.

  9. Dual Roles—Some of us here might have different relationships with each other in other contexts, current or historical. In our opening circles, we invite you to share any dual roles that may influence our community cohesion (while honouring privately agreed-upon confidentiality).

  10. We'd like you to take responsibility for your physical and emotional health and well-being and seek support and guidance where needed. We recommend that you have a Therapist or Coach to support you when aspects of yourself need care and acknowledgement. Self-regulation and care for our emotional and physical well-being are at the heart of this training.

  11. We ask you to participate with kindness. This training involves somatic community learning, and supporting each other supports our growth and learning, just as the trees and mycelium networks support each other as part of a forest.

  12. During this training, we encourage you to allow any tender new aspects of yourself to be nurtured, nourished and supported. Honour your reflection and integration times until you feel ready to share with others rather than satisfy other people’s curiosity.

We'd like to ask you to read and agree to honour and respect the course container agreements above to the best of your ability.